Hiroshima Gateway to Peace will be a memorial complex located in front of the Hiroshima Railway Station, where over 140,000 residents, commuters and tourists pass through each day. The monument, with glass works on the ceiling and walls, will portray the devastation and agony of the atomic blast followed by the rebirth of the city. It will serve as a magnet for teaching and healing both the young and old. The educational center will expand on the monument to provide not only a sobering history lesson, but also to inspire young people to help and work hard toward world peace. The park-like setting will welcome visitors from near and far. A shining tower, located in the center of the green space beside the Enkoh River, will be the heart of this peaceful and inspirational space.
Why is Gateway to Peace important?
On August 6, 1945, Hiroshima was leveled by an atomic bomb blast which caused immeasurable devastation and loss of life. Hiroshima has risen from the ashes of nuclear destruction and has become a beacon alerting mankind to the horror of nuclear war. Yet over time, the lessons of Hiroshima are fast being forgotten. This monument is being created with young people in mind, as they are the architects of our future and the bearers of our hopes and dreams. With parents and school groups, they will come to learn and be motivated to engage in the pursuit of world peace and a brighter future. A memorial alone is not enough. There must be a dedicated effort to educate people and inspire them to take action.
How did the project get started?
As a young girl living in Hiroshima, Hiroko Nakamoto witnessed the horror of nuclear devastation first hand. Founder of The Hiroshima Gateway to World Peace, Ms. Nakamoto is an alumna of Pratt Institute, N.Y. and Bowling Green State University, Ohio, who has had a long illustrious career in architectural interior design both in Japan and in the United States. She believes that the experience of Hiroshima, a city scarred by the Atomic bomb and rebuilt as a testament to the pride of its citizens, could act as an educational opportunity for the entire world. In 1983, she started a fund to initiate the project.
A significant piece of land at the front of Hiroshima Railway Station together with a commitment for the perpetual upkeep of the property has been secured from the City of Hiroshima. Architectural plans have been drawn. With the support of many caring individuals from all over the world, the Hirshima Gateway to World Peace project is much closer to the realization of Ms. Nakamoto’s dream. To make the dream a reality, for generations to come, your support is genuinely appreciated.
The Memorial
What is Hiroshima Gateway to Peace?
Hiroshima Gateway to Peace will be a memorial complex located in front of the Hiroshima Railway Station, where over 140,000 residents, commuters and tourists pass through each day. The monument, with glass works on the ceiling and walls, will portray the devastation and agony of the atomic blast followed by the rebirth of the city. It will serve as a magnet for teaching and healing both the young and old. The educational center will expand on the monument to provide not only a sobering history lesson, but also to inspire young people to help and work hard toward world peace. The park-like setting will welcome visitors from near and far. A shining tower, located in the center of the green space beside the Enkoh River, will be the heart of this peaceful and inspirational space.
Why is Gateway to Peace important?
On August 6, 1945, Hiroshima was leveled by an atomic bomb blast which caused immeasurable devastation and loss of life. Hiroshima has risen from the ashes of nuclear destruction and has become a beacon alerting mankind to the horror of nuclear war. Yet over time, the lessons of Hiroshima are fast being forgotten. This monument is being created with young people in mind, as they are the architects of our future and the bearers of our hopes and dreams. With parents and school groups, they will come to learn and be motivated to engage in the pursuit of world peace and a brighter future. A memorial alone is not enough. There must be a dedicated effort to educate people and inspire them to take action.
How did the project get started?
As a young girl living in Hiroshima, Hiroko Nakamoto witnessed the horror of nuclear devastation first hand. Founder of The Hiroshima Gateway to World Peace, Ms. Nakamoto is an alumna of Pratt Institute, N.Y. and Bowling Green State University, Ohio, who has had a long illustrious career in architectural interior design both in Japan and in the United States. She believes that the experience of Hiroshima, a city scarred by the Atomic bomb and rebuilt as a testament to the pride of its citizens, could act as an educational opportunity for the entire world. In 1983, she started a fund to initiate the project.
Our Original Site http://www.hiroshimagatewaytoworldpeace.org/
Our Second Site http://www.hiroshimagatewaytoworldpeace.org/New_Site/
Where is the project now?
A significant piece of land at the front of Hiroshima Railway Station together with a commitment for the perpetual upkeep of the property has been secured from the City of Hiroshima. Architectural plans have been drawn. With the support of many caring individuals from all over the world, the Hirshima Gateway to World Peace project is much closer to the realization of Ms. Nakamoto’s dream. To make the dream a reality, for generations to come, your support is genuinely appreciated.